A little announcement regarding this newsletter. It will no longer be in English. I will continue to write it in Swedish, as I did before I started to write on Substack.
I understand that some of you will unsubscribe due to this fact, and that is totally fine. I started writing on Substack in English to regain the writing confidence that I lost at my old employer and improve my writing. However, now I want to pursue an idea I have of service to disrupt the equity research market.
This is building on a thought I have had for months, which I wrote about in February. At that time, I wrote like this:
I also have an idea about how equity research will change in the future with the creator economy, but my thoughts are not completely clear now. When they are, I will share it here or on Twitter.
I have now found out how I want to go about it, what kind of model I want to work with, and what kind of ambitions I want to have with it. The competition is fierce in English with newsletters such as StockMarketNerd, The Bear Cave, Stockopine, and services like SeekingAlpha. I am not afraid of competition, but I will still be easily lost in the midst of it all. Also, I see opportunities for supplementing the newsletter; it only comes in Swedish. On top of that, I have built up a rather big audience in Swedish and have a Swedish podcast called Finansfokus. All my engagement on social media platforms is in Swedish, which gets at least ten times more views and engagement than the posts in English.
After writing about moats, competitive advantage, and how to analyze a company, I turned the spotlight on my idea and how it would make the most sense. And one thing is niche down. Being alone in a market is far better than being in a market with 100 alternatives. Better to be a big fish in a small pond than plankton in an ocean.
Writing the articles in English has been fun, and I will leave them for now. I don’t know if I will translate them or just keep going but in Swedish.
And now, what will I do? Yeah, that has to wait as I am on vacation and now going to the West Coast of Sweden. But the fall will be very interesting! So stay tune.
For the ones leaving this newsletter, thanks a lot! Been appreciating all 322 of you!
As a farewell present, I am leaving links to two interesting documents to read and immerse in.
Joel Greenblatt Special Situation Investing Class
Peter Lynch Worth Magazine Articles
Thanks, and happy hunting!
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Thank you very much and välkommen till svenska. Jag fortsätter att prenumerera! 😎